ESK 3000 series

ESK3403 Scoreboard with graphics for teams’ names or advertisement display

The scoreboard supports all games that are played in sports halls. Dimensions:460*283*6cm. Size of digits: 30 cm. Size of graphics: 295*20cm . Display of up to 24 characters and nine font types are supported. In basketball the player fouls and the number of the players (1-99) are displayed digitally. Display of the results of the sets (up to 6) in volleyball or up to six 2-min penalties with the penalized players' number in handball on 15 cm digits.


ESK3405 Scoreboard with graphics for teams’ names or advertisement display

Dimensions: 604*283*6cm. Size of digits: 30 cm. As ESK3403, however characters of inscription SET/2-MIN are of 22 cm height.


ESK3501. Scoreboard with graphics for teams’ names or advertisement display

Dimensions: 460*283*6cm Size of digits: 45 cm. Size of graphics: 295*30cm (up to 24 characters). Professional scoreboard for all sports played indoors. Graphic display can be used to display team names and advertisements. Digital presentation of individual player fouls. The numbers of penalized players in basketball are within the range of 1 through 99 and are made of LEDs.


ESK3503 Scoreboard with graphics for teams’ names or advertisement display

Dimensions: 646*283*6cm Digit height 45 cm. Size of graphics: 295*30cm. Professional scoreboard for all sports played indoors. In basketball the player fouls and the number of the players (1-99) are displayed digitally. Display of the results of the sets (up to 6) in volleyball or up to six 2-min penalties with the penalized players' number in handball.